Cumplosion by Hentaied featuring Lenina Crowne. Lenina consumed by lust and curiosity, makes the ultimate betrayal against her master. Once turned into a slutty, insatiable vixen through hours of magical tentacle fucking, Lenina craves more, always wanting to be filled and used. But when the Artifact’s power proves too tempting, Lenina is willing to risk everything to possess it. As she holds the prized box in her hands, her master’s voice thunders from every direction. Lenina knows what’s coming, and moments later, massive slimy tentacles wrap around her latex boots, crawling up her legs and toward her waiting holes. Overcome with lust, the redhead beauty falls to the floor as the tentacles penetrate her sweet, dripping pussy. The tentacles show no mercy, playing with her huge tits and teasing her nipples, driving Lenina into uncontrollable pleasure. She moans as waves of ecstasy take over, her pussy exploding with a massive creampie. But the punishment isn’t over. The tentacles lift her into the air, continuing to fuck every inch of her, filling her body with hot, fresh cum (cumflation). As Lenina begs for mercy, her swollen belly stretches to its limit, her clothes tearing apart. The more the tentacles fuck her, the more her body cracks at the seams. Her belly expands like a balloon, and just when it seems like she can’t handle any more, the master decides to return her to her original form. In a final explosion of lust, Lenina bursts into a massive puddle of cum, leaving behind only the remnants of her pleasure-filled demise.
Channel: Hentaied